Δημοκρατικό Πατριωτικό Λαϊκό Κίνημα

Υψηλάντηδες υπάρχουν και σήμερα.

Ίσως από τους απόδημους Έλληνες

ξανάρθει η πραγματική λευτεριά.

- Δημήτρης Νατσιός

Political Programme focused on the Diaspora and Tradition.

We have first priority concerns that keep the Greek flame alive abroad, while also strengthening mother Greece through the love of our expats:

Representation of the Greek diaspora in the Greek Parliament

01Ministry for Greeks Abroad

A self-reliant Ministry for Greeks Abroad is necessary for any patriotic government.

02Right to Vote

In terms of the right to vote, NIKI desires for the benefit of Greece that Greeks abroad, rather than "hellenised" immigrants within its boundaries, vote.

03Right to stand in elections

We support the right of Greeks living abroad to be elected as individuals rather than as party members, with a defined number of members of parliament being expatriates from each continent.

04Increased voting rights

The decisive vote of NIKI in the Parliament (24/7/2023) expanded expats' right to vote, overcoming earlier restrictions by SYRIZA that effectively excluded expatriates from the electoral process.

05Better electoral process

NIKI submitted proposals to the Ministry of Interior for improved expatriate elections, including a Sunday vote, on-the-spot ballot counting with a simple recheck in Greece, cost savings by deploying diplomatic workers as electoral commissions, and additional polling sites abroad.

06Postal voting has not been tested

Given the government's history of data leaks and unconstitutional acts, NIKI is skeptical about the protection of personal data and the reliability of postal voting results. Only in cases of health or mobility impairments do we suggest carefully examining the postal vote.

We join forces

There are numerous ways to make NIKI the genuine voice of Hellenism abroad:

Participation in Friends' Local Communities, journalistic information, parliamentary support for diaspora needs, financial assistance for the Movement, and organising and rallying in activities.

Nothing is more bitter than yearning for your home while living there.” G. Seferis

The Democratic Patriotic Movement NIKI is a Supreme Court-approved political group as of 25 July 2019.

Bank account:
IBAN: GR4102602030000830201895856 (Eurobank)
BIC: ERBKGRAAXXX | 0203 – 27, Tsimiski street Thessaloniki


5, Aristotelous square, 546 23 Thessaloniki

Tel. No: 2310 232999


Nap. Zerva 2 and Pyrsinella 1 Ioannina. (1st floor), Ioannina 45221


21 June 205 (2nd floor), Kilkis 61100


10 Stadiou St., 105 64, Athens

Tel. No: 210 3217890


NAKOS CENTER, Sp. 38 Spyridis, 1st floor., Volos 38221


1 Emmanuel Andronikou, Serres 62100

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